Celebrity Gifts – A Timeline
Celebrities love a bit of gift giving. There are certain couples out there that are arguably keeping economies a float with their lavish spending on one another. Look at Dave and Victoria; vineyards, bearded dragons and micro pigs. Or how about Brad and Ang? Motorbikes, waterfalls and overpriced olive trees. We could keep going? Jay-Z and Beyonce? Sports cars and gold rocking horses. You see these guys can’t get enough gifty giving and receiving.
It’s not just the expensive either, they like the weird too. Noel Coward’s alligator or Elvis’s wallabies are exactly the sort of thing we’re talking about and it’s been going on for years. In fact it’s been happening for over a century. This gift obsession of the rich and famous has kept us entertained since the good old days and we’ve charted a whole load of it on a timeline. So if you want to know who bought what it’s all here. Enjoy!
Celebrity Gifts – A Timeline was researched and put together by Find Me A Gift, providers of all things novelty. To view the infographic source just click through.